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St Peter’s has links with various residential, care or assisted-living homes in Brackley:
Brackley Fields (01280 704575)
Brackley Care Home (01280 428287)
Juniper House (01280 845570)
St Rumbold’s Court (01280 705875)
St Peter’s would welcome a request by residents (or their families) for prayer or a short private service of Holy Communion.
​Holy Communion
A short service of Communion is conducted in the homes at the following times:
Juniper House – First Tuesday of the month at 10.30am
Brackley Fields - Second Tuesday of the month at 10.30am
Brackley Care Home - Third Tuesday of the month at 10.30am
St Rumbold’s Court - TBA
We also do carol singing in the homes at Christmas and sometimes an Easter service as well.
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